IT Deparment

Looking to maintain, create, support technology innovations that exist in our program and work environments

IT/Tech Department is a growing department that has a great impact for the agency. Professionals, personnel, and assistance in this sector of the company help to establish and implement different types of technology that will enhance the work and program environment for all within that. The infrastructure that is currently in place for technology involves internet networking, LAN setup, WAN setup, hardware installation, software creation, camera infrastructure setup and installation, among more. Upon employment, one may join in the efforts of such to further virtualize and modernize the company through the use and implementation of such solutions. Technology that can adequately and precisely bring innovation to the core components of our service in the NYC area.


For Networking, Hardware, and Software

The personnel duties involve:

  • Mainntenance and creation of software to represent the company as we move forward.
  • End solutions hard-coded that showcase, correspond, and comply with our service, individuals, and current work/program policies.
  • Email client setup and maintenance
  • LAN and WAN setup
  • Network infrastructure being created, setup, and maintained once implemented in a company location
  • Camera infrastructure being created, setup, and maintained once implemented in a company location
  • Responding to company and employee inquries


The personnel duties for this segment of the department involve:

  • LAN and WAN setup
  • Network infrastructure being created and maintained once implemented in a company location
  • Camera infrastructure setup and maintancen
  • Responding to company and employee inquries